The main motivation for this site is to archive public records of the City of Ames and possibly other local entities. This site was created to be linked to from the "Ames News" web site.
Most of the time these records appear on public web sites only for a few weeks or a few months. These on-line records are often referenced or linked to electronically (by URL) by individuals outside of government (like "Ames News") in documents or web pages they've created. When these public records are removed form a web site these links are broken. The old links point to the wrong document or a missing document.
It is the goal of this site to keep the public records in a consistent location on the web (a unchanging URL). The goal is that a link to a record created today will be good a year from now.That said, there is no guarantee that this site will stay in operation. This site was created for the use of "Ames News". Others may view and link to this site but should not depend on its existence. For authoritative documents refer to the respective entities the public records originated from. Do not depend on or expect the documents on this site to be up to date, accurate or in a consistent location.
This archive and web site are in no way affiliated with the "City of Ames" or any other governmental entity. If you have questions regarding this site please email .