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MAY 10, 2022

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public during discussion. If you wish to speak, please complete an orange card and hand it to the City Clerk. When your name is called, please step to the microphone, state your name for the record, and limit the time used to present your remarks in order that others may be given the opportunity to speak. The normal process on any particular agenda item is that the motion is placed on the floor, input is received from the audience, the Council is given an opportunity to comment on the issue or respond to the audience concerns, and the vote is taken. On ordinances, there is time provided for public input at the time of the first reading.

CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m.


1. Proclamation for “Economic Development Week,” May 9 - 13, 2022

2. Proclamation for “National Public Works Week,” May 15 - 21, 2022

3. Proclamation for “Mental Health Awareness Month, May 2022

4. Proclamation for “Peace Officers’ Memorial Day,” May 15, 2022


5. Presentation of the Terry Bird Outstanding Investigation Award to Detective Adi Johnson

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.

6. Motion approving payment of claims

7. Motion approving Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 19, 2022, and Regular Meeting of April 26, 2022

8. Motion approving Report of Change Orders for period April 16 - 30, 2022

9. Motion certifying Civil Service candidates 

10. Motion approving the renewal of the following Beer Permits, Wine Permits and Liquor Licenses:

a. Class C Liquor License with Sunday Sales - North Grand Cinema, 2801 Grand Avenue
b. Special Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service - Octagon Center for the Arts, 427 Douglas Avenue, Pending Dram Shop Insurance
c. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer), and Sunday Sales - Casey’s General Store #2298, 428 Lincoln Way
d. Class B Liquor License with Catering Privilege and Sunday Sales - Gateway Hotel and Conference Center, LLC, 2100 Green Hills Drive, Pending Dram Shop Insurance

11. Requests from Ames Patriotic Council for Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 30, 2022:

a. Motion approving blanket Temporary Obstruction Permit for closed area
b. Resolution approving closure of Pearle Avenue and 5th Street from east of Pearle Avenue through Clark Avenue intersection from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for parade line-up
c. Resolution approving temporary closure of Clark Avenue from 5th Street to 9th Street from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for movement of parade
d. Resolution approving temporary closure of 9th Street between Clark Avenue and Maxwell Avenue from 10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for movement of the parade
e. Resolution approving temporary closure of 6th Street at Clark Avenue and Duff Avenue at 9th Street, as parade moves through those intersections

12. Request from Community Choice Credit Union for The Parc Spring Kickoff event May 20 - 21, 2022:

a. Resolution approving closure of the north 150 feet of the alley between Community Choice Credit Union and the Food Truck Parc

13. Resolution in support of the Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Program (MPDG) application

14. Resolution approving three-year Lease extension for Welch Avenue Parking Lot T

15. Resolution approving License Agreement between Ames Intermodal Facility and Ames Police Department

16. Resolution approving revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Ames and Story County to comply with changes imposed by the State of Iowa regarding precinct and ward boundaries

17. Resolution approving the request to join the Mid-Iowa Planning Alliance through June 30, 2023, in the amount of $12,455 

18. Replacement of In-Car Computers and Equipment for Police Department:

a. Resolution waiving Purchasing Policies and Procedures requirement for competitive bidding
b. Resolution approving purchase of Panasonic Toughbook CF33s and associated modems with Keltek, Inc., of Baxter, Iowa, for the Police Department, in the amount of $64,342.44

19. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for 2022/23 Right-of-Way Restoration (Turf Grass); setting June 8, 2022, as bid due date and June 14, 2022, as date of public hearing

20. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for Demolition of the Old Water Treatment Plant; setting June 15, 2022, as bid due date and June 28, 2022, as date of public hearing

21. Resolution awarding contract to Hoglund Bus Company, of Marshalltown, Iowa, for purchase of two new 176" wheelbase low-floor Minibuses for CyRide in the amount of $341,583

22. Resolution awarding contract for purchase of rock salt requirements for 2022/23 Ice Control Program to Independent Salt Co., of Kanopolis, Kansas, in the amount of $79.50 per ton

23. Resolution awarding contract for Conduit Replacement at Southdale and Old Orchard Trailer Park for Electric Services to Communication Data Link of Grimes, Iowa, in the amount of $76,640

24. Resolution awarding contract for FY 2022/23 Brass Products for Water Meter to Core & Main, of Grimes, Iowa, in accordance with unit prices bid

25. Resolution approving contract and bond for 2022/23 Main Street Paver Replacement Program (Kellogg Avenue - Duff Avenue)

26. Resolution approving contract and bond for 2021/22 Shared Use Path Maintenance - Little Bluestem

27. Resolution approving contract and bond for 2020/21 Concrete Pavement Improvements Program (Ford Street, Bell Avenue, S. 17th Street, S. Kellogg Avenue)

28. Resolution approving Final Plat for Northridge Village Subdivision, Plat 1, and accept the Letter of Credit for modifications to on-site paving and landscaping

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to three minutes.


29. Project Update regarding Indoor Aquatic Center

30. Downtown Plaza plans and specifications


31. Resolution approving Neighborhood Improvement Program grant to Roosevelt Neighborhood Association for Pollinator Pocket Garden at 10th & Roosevelt


32. Resolution approving Downtown Facade Grant

33. Resolution approving Preliminary Plat for 5571 Hyde Avenue (Hayden’s Preserve), subject to conditions

34. 2516 Lincoln Way Development Project:

a. Resolution approving Storm Drain Easement (for the box culvert)
b. Motion initiating Zoning Text Amendment to allow 50% clay brick for all building facades


35. Hearing on Nuisance Assessments:

a. Resolution assessing costs of snow/ice removal and certifying assessments to Story County Treasurer

36. Hearing on Rezoning of 2105 Dayton Avenue from “A” (Agriculture) to “GI” (General Industrial):

a. First passage of ordinance


37. Second passage of ordinance on rezoning with Master Plan property located at 802 Delaware Avenue from “RL” (Residential Low-Density) to “RM” (Residential Medium-Density)

38. Second passage of ordinance reducing flag lot access width in the General Industrial Zoning District

39. Second passage of ordinance adjusting stormwater utility rates, effective July 1, 2022

40. Second passage of ordinance increasing sewer rates by 5%, effective July 1, 2022

41. 3210 Cedar Lane:

a. Resolution approving Zoning Agreement
b. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4462 rezoning 3210 Cedar Lane from Agricultural (A) to Floating Suburban - Residential Low Density (FS-RL) with a Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD) and Master Plan