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FEBRUARY 22, 2022

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public during discussion. If you wish to speak, please complete an orange card and hand it to the City Clerk. When your name is called, please step to the microphone, state your name for the record, and limit the time used to present your remarks in order that others may be given the opportunity to speak. The normal process on any particular agenda item is that the motion is placed on the floor, input is received from the audience, the Council is given an opportunity to comment on the issue or respond to the audience concerns, and the vote is taken. On ordinances, there is time provided for public input at the time of the first reading.



CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m.

1. Roll Call

2. Motion approving Minutes of January 25, 2022

3. Public hearing on proposed 2022/23 budget for City Assessor’s Office:

a. Motion adopting budget




*The Regular Meeting of the Ames City Council will immediately follow the Regular Meeting of theAmes Conference Board.

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.

1. Motion approving payment of claims

2. Motion approving Minutes of Special City Council Meeting held January 28, 2022 and February 1, 2, and 3, 2022, and Regular City Council Meeting held February 8, 2022

3. Motion approving Report of Change Orders for period February 1 - 15, 2022

4. Motion approving ownership update for Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout beer) and Sunday Sales - Kum & Go #1113, 2801 E 13th Street

5. Motion approving ownership update for Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout beer) and Sunday Sales - Kum & Go #227, 2108 Isaac Newton Drive

6. Motion approving ownership update for Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout beer) and Sunday Sales - Sam’s Club #6568, 305 Airport Road

7. Motion approving ownership update for Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout beer) & Sunday Sales - Casey’s General Store #2905, 3612 Stange Road

8. Motion approving renewal of the following Beer Permits, Wine Permits and Liquor Licenses:

a. Class C Liquor with Outdoor Service & Sunday Sales - BN’C Fieldhouse, 206 Welch Ave
b. Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service & Sunday Sales - Coldwater Golf Links, 1400 S Grand Avenue
c. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer) & Sunday Sales - Kum & Go #1113, 2801 E 13th Street
d. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer) & Sunday Sales - Kum & Go #227, 2108 Isaac Newton Drive
e. Class A Liquor License with Outdoor Service & Sunday Sales - Elks Lodge, 522 Douglas Pending Dram Shop Insurance
f. Special Class C Liquor License - Homewood Golf Course, 401 E 20th Street
g. Special Class C Liquor License - The Spice Thai Cuisine, 402 Main Street
h. Class C Beer Permit with Class B Native Wine Permit & Sunday Sales - Swift Stop #4, 1118 S Duff
i. Class C Beer Permit with Class B Wine Permit & Sunday Sales - Swift Stop #5, 3208 Orion St
j. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer) & Sunday Sales - Casey’s General Store #2905, 3612 Stange Road
k. Class B Beer with Sunday Sales - Pizza Pit Extreme, 207 Welch Avenue
l. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer) & Sunday Sales - Sam’s Club #6568, 305 Airport Road

9. Resolution confirming appointment of Kit Clayburn to serve as a Iowa State University Student Government representative to Ames Transit Agency Board of Trustees

10. Requests from Campustown Student Apartments for Spring Carnival on April 15, 2022:

a. Motion approving blanket Vending License
b. Resolution approving closure of Chamberlain Street from Welch Avenue to Stanton Avenue from 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
c. Resolution approving suspension of 19 on-street metered parking spaces and 11 parking spaces in Campustown Lot Y from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

11. Resolution setting March 8, 2022, as date for public hearings and additional action on proposals to enter into General Obligation Loan Agreements and to borrow money thereunder

12. Resolution acknowledging that Lease Agreement between City of Ames and Board of Regents acting on behalf of Iowa State University regarding Healthy Life Center never went into effect

13. Resolution approving Resource Recovery System Annual Report for 2021

14. Resolution approving the Police Department’s application for and participation in the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau Enforcement Grant program

15. Resolution approving Addendum to Iowa DOT Funding Agreement for 2018/19 Shared Use Path System Expansion (Trail Connection South of Lincoln Way)

16. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for Ada Hayden Heritage Park Dredging of Wetland G (Cell 1); setting March 23, 2022, as bid due date and April 12, 2022, as date of public hearing

17. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for 2021/22 Arterial Street Pavement Improvements (North Dakota Avenue and Ontario Street); setting March 15, 2022, as bid due date and March 22, 2022, as date of public hearing

18. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for 2021/22 Collector Street Pavement Improvements (Hoover Avenue); setting March 16, 2022, as bid due date and March 22, 2022, as date of public hearing

19. Resolution awarding contract to Stew Hansen Dodge RAM of Des Moines, Iowa, for purchase of one Ram 4500 crew cab chassis with safety strobe lighting for Electric Services in the amount of $55,575

20. Resolution awarding contract to Stew Hansen Dodge RAM of Des Moines, Iowa, for purchase of one Ram 5500 truck chassis with safety strobe lighting for Public Works Operations in the amount of $68,695

21. Resolution awarding contract to WESCO Distribution of Des Moines, Iowa, for the purchase of cable and wire for the Electric Department in the amount of $116,180.60 (inclusive of Iowa sales tax) 

22. Resolution awarding contract to Crest Precast Inc., of La Crescent, Minnesota, in the amount of $91,121.20 (inclusive of sales tax) to furnish six concrete vaults for Electric Services Department

23. Cooling Tower Blowdown Sanitary Sewer Modification:

a. Resolution waiving Purchasing Policy requirement for competitive proposals
b. Resolution approving Change Order No. 2 to WHKS & Co., Ames, Iowa, for design and construction services in the amount of $55,500

24. Resolution accepting completion of Fire Station No. 1 HVAC Replacement Project

25. Resolution accepting completion of 2020/21 Concrete Pavement Improvements (8th Street)

26. Resolution approving amended Final Plat for Auburn Trail Subdivision, 1st Addition

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to three minutes.


27. Requests from Ames Chamber of Commerce for Ames Main Street Farmers’ Market on Saturdays from May 7 to October 15, 2022:

a. Motion approving blanket Temporary Obstruction Permit and blanket Vending License for Central Business District from 5:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
b. Resolution approving closure of 300 and 400 blocks of Main Street, Burnett Avenue from Main Street to the U.S. Bank drive-through, and Tom Evans Plaza from 5:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
c. Resolution approving suspension of parking enforcement in CBD Lots X and Y from 6:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
d. Resolution approving usage and waiver of electrical fees and waiver of fee for blanket Vending License for event from 5:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
e. Resolution approving/motion denying request to waive parking meter fees


28. 161kV Electric Line Relocation Project:

a. Resolution waiving City’s Purchasing Policy requirement for competitive proposals and awarding a contract to Dewild Grant Reckert & Associates Company, Rock Rapids, Iowa, on a time-and-materials basis for an estimated total cost of $291,000 for professional services and right-of-way acquisition service, which amount is inclusive of prior Change Orders to existing Purchase Order for preliminary engineering services performed
b. Resolution approving funding for payment of temporary and permanent easements needed for the relocation in the amount of $92,400
c. Resolution approving Reimbursement Agreement from the Iowa Department of Transportation for the Engineering and Right-of-Way Costs associated with the relocation of the Electric Transmission Line


29. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for Downtown Plaza; setting March 23, 2022, as bid due date and April 12, 2022, as date of public hearing


30. Iowa Reinvestment District Program:

a. Resolution authorizing staff to submit the final Application to Iowa Economic Development Authority for the Reinvestment District


31. Hearing on Maximum Levy:

a. Resolution approving maximum levy amount of $22,965,898 for Fiscal Year 2022/23
b. Resolution setting March 8, 2022, as date of final public hearing on Adjusted Budget for FY 2021/22
c. Resolution setting March 8, 2022, as date of final public hearing and adoption of budget for FY 2022/23

32. Hearing on rezoning of 525 SE 16th Street from Agricultural “A” to Highway Oriented Commercial “HOC” and retain the Environmentally Sensitive Area Overlay “O-E” for the floodway:

a. First passage or ordinance

33. Hearing on voluntary annexation of 72.99 acres located at 2105 and 2124 Dayton:

a. Resolution approving Pre-Annexation Agreement to delegate to the developer responsibility of ensuring access to, protection of, and to maintain the integrity of the Franklin Township Cemetery
b. Resolution approving annexation

34. Hearing on voluntary annexation of property located on the southwest corner of intersection of George Washington Carver and Cameron School Road:

a. Resolution approving Pre-Annexation Agreement
b. Resolution approving Annexation

35. Hearings on rezoning of and Major Site Development Plan for 2098 W. 190th Street (Hayden’s Ridge):

a. First passage of ordinance rezoning 2098 W. 190th Street from Floating Suburban Residential Medium Density (FS-RM) to Floating Suburban Residential Medium Density Planned Unit Development (FS-RM PUD) Overlay:
b. Resolution approving Major Site Development Plan:
c. Resolution approving Preliminary Plat
d. Motion directing staff to initiate a Zoning Text Amendment to clarify applicability of compatibility standards related to single-family attached housing units and alley access

36. Hearing on proposed Zoning Text Amendment to allow temporary yard waste processing facilities through approval of a Special Use Permit by the Zoning Board of Adjustment:

a. First passage of ordinance

37. Hearing on South 16th Street Improvements:

a. Motion accepting report of bids and delaying award

38. Hearing on 2021/22 Downtown Street Pavements Improvements - Alley (Duff Avenue to Sherman Avenue):

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Con-Struct, Inc., of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $127,952

39. Hearing on 2021/22 Concrete Pavement Improvements (S. Kellogg to N. 2nd Street):

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to All Star Concrete, of Johnston, Iowa, in the amount of $967,416.31


40. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4458 on proposed Text Amendment to modify the Planned Unit Development Overlay District standards to allow for a small commercial component to districts




41. Motion to hold Closed Session as provided by Section 20.17(3), Code of Iowa, to discuss collective bargaining strategy:

a. Resolution approving Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234 (Blue Collar Unit)
b. Resolution approving Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234 (Power Plant Unit)

42. Motion to hold Closed Session as provided by Section 21.5(1)c, Code of Iowa, to discuss matters presently in or threatened to be in litigation:



Please note that this agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.