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FEBRUARY 25, 2020

Click here to download entire agenda and supplemental materials in PDF 


CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m.

1. Roll Call

2. Motion approving Minutes of January 28, 2020

3. Public hearing on proposed 2020/21 budget for City Assessor’s Office:

a. Motion adopting budget



*The Regular Meeting of the Ames City Council will immediately follow the Regular Meeting of the Ames Conference Board.

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.
1. Motion approving payment of claims

2. Motion approving Minutes of Regular Meeting held February 11, 2020

3. Motion approving Report of Change Orders for February 1 - 15, 2020

4. Motion authorizing Police Department to apply for and participate in the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau Grant Program for traffic safety enforcement

5. Motion approving new 12-month Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine, Class C Beer, and Sunday Sales - goPuff, 615 S Dayton Avenue - (pending final inspection)

6. Motion approving new 8-month Class B Beer with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales - Homewood Golf Course, 401 E 20th Street, (pending final inspection)

7. Motion approving transfer of El Azteca Class C Liquor License from 1520 S Dayton Avenue to 2120 Isaac Newton Drive - (pending final inspection)

8. Motion approving renewal of the following Beer Permits, Wine Permits, and Liquor Licenses:

a. Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales - BN'C Fieldhouse, 206 Welch Avenue - Pending Dram Shop
b. Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales - Coldwater Golf Links, 1400 S. Grand Avenue
c. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer), and Sunday Sales - Kum & Go # 113, 2801 E 13th Street
d. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer), and Sunday Sales - Kum & Go # 227, 2108 Isaac Newton Drive
e. Class A Liquor License with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales - Elks Lodge, 522 Douglas
f. Special Class C Liquor License - The Spice Thai Cuisine, 402 Main Street
g. Class C Beer Permit with Class B Native Wine Permit and Sunday Sales - Swift Stop #4, 1118 S Duff
h. Class C Beer Permit with Class B Wine Permit and Sunday Sales - Swift Stop #5, 3218 Orion Street
i. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer), and Sunday Sales - Casey’s General Store #2905, 3612 Stange Road
j. Class B Beer with Sunday Sales - Pizza Pit Extreme, 207 Welch Avenue - Pending Dram Shop
k. Class E Liquor License with Class B Wine Permit, Class C Beer Permit (Carryout Beer), and Sunday Sales - Sams Club #6568, 305 Airport Road

9. Resolution naming Vanessa Baker-Latimer as City of Ames representatives to Central Iowa Regional Housing Authority (CIRHA) to serve three-year term

10. Resolution approving Small Cell Wireless Pole Attachment Agreement with Verizon Wireless from January 1, 2020, until December 31, 2025

11. Resolution approving request from Mary Greeley Home Health Services to amend Unit Rate for In-Home Health Assistance in FY 2019/20 ASSET Contract

12. Resolution approving request from Story County Auditor for parking waiver(s) for election day related parking on March 3, June 2, and November 3, 2020 

13. Resolution authorizing the Police Department to request reimbursement per the Agreement with Ames Foundation in the amount of $1,330 for the purchase of two portable ballistic shields

14. Requests from Ames Chamber of Commerce for Ames Main Street Farmers’ Market on Saturdays from May 9 to October 17, 2020:

a. Motion approving blanket Temporary Obstruction Permit and blanket Vending License for  Central Business District from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
b. Resolution approving closure of 300 and 400 blocks of Main Street, Burnettt Avenue from Main Street to the U.S. Bank drive-through, and Tom Evans Plaza from 5:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
c. Resolution approving suspension of parking enforcement in CBD Lots X and Y from 6:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 
d. Resolution approving waiver of parking meter fees and enforcement, usage and waiver of electrical fees, and waiver of fee for blanket Vending License for event from 5:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

15. Requests from India Cultural Association:

a. Resolution directing staff to amend FY 2020/21 COTA Annual Grant allocation to deduct $5,000 in funding
b. Resolution directing staff to amend FY 2019/20 COTA Annual Grant allocation to add $5,000 in funding, and authorizing the funds to be used for activities described in FY 2019/20 COTA Annual Grant Contract

16. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for 2019/20 Collector Street Pavement Improvements (Bloomington Road - Grand Avenue to Hoover Avenue); setting March 18, 2020, as bid due date and March 24, 2020, as the date of public hearing 

17. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for 2019/20 Asphalt Street Pavement Improvements (14th Street and 15th Street); setting March 18, 2020, as bid due date and March 24, 2020, as the date of public hearing 

18. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for Power Plant Unit 8 Steam Turbine Parts Procurement; setting March 25, 2020, as bid due date and April 14, 2020, as date of public hearing

19. Resolution approving Change Order No. 9 with HPI, Inc., of Ames, Iowa, for Unit 7 Turbine Generator Major Overhaul

PUBLIC FORUM:  This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda.  Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting.  The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language.  The Mayor may limit each speaker to three minutes.

20. Staff Report regarding 321 State Avenue Subdivision Concepts:

a. Motion to select preferred concept

21. 2020/21 Proposed Annual Action Plan Projects and Public Forum follow-up for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)/HOME Programs:

a. Resolution approving proposed 2020/21 Annual Action Plan Program Projects and proposed budget and directing staff to prepare Annual Action Plan for public comment
b. Resolution setting date of public hearing for May 12, 2020

22. Mortensen Road Sidewalk Infill Update

a. Motion directing staff to allow property owners until July 1, 2021, to complete the installation of sidewalk/path projects

23. Discussion of additional questions for Residential Satisfaction Survey

24. Motion approving City Council Values, Goals, and Tasks for 2020/21

25. Hearing on Maximum Property Tax Levy:

a. Resolution approving maximum levy amount of $6.99654
b. Resolution setting March 10, 2020, as date of final public hearing on Adjusted Budget for FY 2019/20
c. Resolution setting March 10, 2020, as date of final hearing and adoption of budget for FY 2020/21
d. Resolution authorizing the issuance of $13,865,000 Essential Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds and $9,635,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds and associated tax levy for debt service and setting March 10, 2020, as date of public hearing

26. Hearing on Homewood Golf Course Clubhouse Project:

a. Resolution appropriating $449,845 from Park Development Fund balance
b. Resolution appropriating $20,000 from undesignated Parks and Recreation Department Donations Account
c. Resolution approving final plans and specification and awarding contract to R. H. Grabau Construction, Inc., of Boone, Iowa, in the amount of $1,374,881 (base bid plus Alternate 3)

27. Hearing on Campustown Public Improvements (Welch Avenue):

a. Motion rejecting all bids and directing staff to re-bid
b. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for project with modifications; setting March 18, 2020, as bid due date, and March 24, 2020, as date of public hearing

28. Hearing on Iowa State University Research Park Phase IV Road and Utility Improvements Project:

a. Motion accepting report of bids

29. Hearing on South Grand Avenue Extension (0.1 miles North of South 16th Street North 0.54 Miles to South 5th Street):

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Peterson Contractors, Inc., of Reinbeck, Iowa, in the amount of $9,368,716.27, contingent upon receipt of Iowa DOT concurrence

30. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4407 rezoning 2800 E. 13th Street from Agricultural “A” to General Industrial “GI”