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DECEMBER 17, 2019

 Click here to download entire agenda and supplemental material in PDF

CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m.

1. Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.

2. Motion approving payment of claims

3. Motion approving Minutes of Special Meetings held December 4 and December 6, 2019, and Regular Meeting held December 10, 2019

4. Motion approving certification of Civil Service applicants

5. Motion approving Class C Liquor License Ownership Change for Texas Roadhouse, 519 South Duff Avenue

6. Motion approving Class E Liquor License Premise Update - Fareway Stores, Inc., #386, 619 Burnett Avenue - Pending Inspection Approval

7. Motion approving new 5-day (January 11-15) Class C Liquor License - Great Caterers of Iowa, 2321 N Loop Drive

8. Resolution approving Encroachment Permit for a sign at 2408 Lincoln Way

9. Resolution accepting Abstract of Votes for December 3, 2019, Ward 4 Run-Off Election

10. Resolution approving appointment of Council Member Amber Corrieri to the Conference Board’s Mini-Board

11. Resolution approving appointment of Council Member Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen to the Ames Transit Agency Board of Trustees

12. Resolution approving appointment of Council Member David Martin to the Ames Economic Development Committee (AEDC)

13. Resolution approving appointment of Council Member-Elect Rachel Junck to the Ames Convention and Visitor’s Bureau

14. Resolution setting January 28, 2020, as date of public hearing regarding amendment to 2019/20 Annual Action Plan projects for Community Development Block Grant Program

15. Resolution setting January 14, 2020, as date of public hearing for conveyance of 1417 Douglas Avenue to Mainstream Living

16. Resolution setting January 14, 2020, as date of public hearing regarding conveyance of City property at 1420 Lincoln Way to Metro FiberNet, LLC, in the amount of $21,600

17. Resolution approving Comprehensive Annual Finance Report for Period Ending June 30, 2019

18. Resolution approving appointment of two representatives to the Story County 911 Service Board

19. Resolution approving Commission On The Arts (COTA) Special Grants for Spring 2020

20. Resolution approving Agreement with Ames Foundation for Tree Planting Project

21. Ames Main Street:

a. Resolution of support for Ames Main Street Program
b. Resolution approving Ames Main Street and Main Street Iowa Program Agreement

22. Resolution approving Construction Observation/Administration Service Agreement regarding 2018/19 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation (Siphons) to WHKS of Ames, Iowa, in an amount not to exceed $86,700

23. Resolution approving Construction Observation/Administration Service Agreement regarding 2019/20 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation (Munn Woods) to WHKS of Ames, Iowa, in an amount not to exceed $147,800

24. Resolution approving Police Department’s participation in the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau Nighttime Seat Belt Enforcement Grant Program

25. Resolution approving partial completion of public improvements and reducing amount of required security for Scenic Valley Subdivision, 4th Addition

PUBLIC FORUM:  This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda.  Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting.  The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language.  The Mayor may limit each speaker to three minutes.

26. Staff Report on 321 State Avenue Affordable Housing Project

27. Staff Report on Amending Campustown Mid-Block Setback

28. Presentation of 2019 Downtown Parking Study

29. East Industrial Area Utility Extension Project:

a. Resolution approving Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2 
b. Resolution approving Plat of Survey for lift station and future elevated water tank site
c. Resolution approving Purchase Agreement from Janice S. Schroer Revocable Trust UTA October 30, 1997, for lift station site in the amount of $73,450
d. Motion directing staff to initiate the process of rezoning the site from Agricultural to Government Airport

30. South Grand Avenue Extension Project:

a. Resolution approving Agreement for Professional Services Amendment No. 4 with Shive-Hattery, Inc., of West Des Moines, Iowa, in the amount not to exceed $147,900

31. Hearing on 2019/20 Pavement Restoration - Slurry Seal Program:

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Fort Dodge Asphalt Company of Fort Dodge, Iowa, in the amount of $240,787.76

32. First passage or ordinance changing the Council member’s term to begin on January 1st for the Ames Transit Board (second and third readings and adoption requested)

33. Second passage of Zoning Code amendments regarding stacked driveway parking for single-family and two-family dwellings

34. Second passage on rezoning of 808 E. Lincoln Way from Agricultural “A” and Highway-Oriented Commercial (HOC) to General Industrial (GI)

35. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4403 regulating massage establishments

36. Budget Issues/Guidelines




Please note that this Agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.