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FEBRUARY 14, 2017

(Click here to download entire agenda packet in PDF)

CALL TO ORDER: 5:15 p.m.


1. Council Budget Presentations:

a. Public Art
b. Arts Funding (COTA)
c. Human Services (ASSET)
d. Outside Funding Requests
e. Other Requests

2. Public Input on Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) and Budget

3. Final Council Decisions:

a. Set salaries for Council appointees
b. Amendments to 2017-2022 CIP
c. Vote on motion to approve 2017-2022 CIP, as amended
d. Amendments to FY 2016/17 budget
e. Vote on motion to approve proposed budget amendments for FY 2016/17
f. Motion to set March 7, 2017, as date of public hearing on proposed budget amendments for FY 2016/17
g. Amendments to proposed FY 2017/18 budget
h. Vote on motion to approve proposed budget for FY 2017/18, as amended
i. Motion to set March 7, 2017, as date of final public hearing on proposed budget for FY2017/18

*The Regular City Council meeting will immediately follow Budget Wrap-Up.


1. Presentation of 2016 Excellence in Concrete Award to the City by Iowa Ready Mixed Concrete Association for Skunk River Trail Extension

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion.There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.

2. Motion approving payment of claims

3. Motion approving Minutes of Special Meetings of January 31, February 3, February 7, 8, and 9, 2017, and Regular Meeting of January 24, 2017

4. Motion approving certification of civil service applicants (Click here for more information)

5. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for January 16-31, 2017 (Click here for more information)

6. Motion approving renewal of the following Beer Permits, Wine Permits, and Liquor Licenses: (Click here for more information)

a. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service Cys Roost, 121 Welch Avenue
b. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service Mickeys Irish Pub, 109 Welch Avenue
c. Class E Liquor, C Beer, & B Wine Fareway Store #386, 619 Burnett Avenue
d. Class E Liquor, C Beer, & B Wine Fareway Store #093, 3619 Stange Road
e. Class C Liquor &Outdoor Service El Azteca, 2727 Stange Road (pending dram)
f. Class B Liquor Holiday Inn Ames, 2609 University Boulevard
g. Class C Beer & B Wine Gateway Expresse, 2400 University Boulevard
h. Class C Liquor Taking It Easy Lounge, 129 Lincoln Way
i. Class C Liquor GeAngelos, 823 Wheeler Street, #9
j. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service The District, 2518 Lincoln Way (pending dram)
k. Class E Liquor, C Beer, & B Wine Wal-Mart Supercenter #4256, 534 S. Duff Avenue
l. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service Buffalo Wild Wings, 400 S. Duff Avenue
m. Special Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service Stomping Grounds, 303 Welch Avenue (pending dram)
n. Class C Beer & B Native Wine Caseys General Store #2905, 3612 Stange Road

7. Motion approving transfer for Class E Liquor, C Beer, & Class B Wine permit for Wal-Mart Store #749, to new location at 3105 Grand Avenue (pending final inspection) (Click here for more information)

8. Motion approving new Special Class C Liquor License & Outdoor Service for Blaze Pizza,2320 Lincoln Way (Click here for more information)

9. Motion approving ownership change for Class B Liquor License for Quality Inn & Suites,Starlite Village Conference, 2601 E. 13th Street (Click here for more information)

10. Motion approving ownership change for Class C Beer & Class B Native Wine Permit for Tobacco Outlet Plus #530, 204 S. Duff Avenue (Click here for more information)

11. Resolution approving 2016 Resource Recovery Annual Report (Click here for more information)

12. Resolution approving Memorandum of Understanding for Law Enforcement Services at National Center for Animal Health (Click here for more information)

13. Resolution approving appointment of Lauris Olson to serve as alternate to Central Iowa Regional Housing Authority (CIRHA) Board of Commissioners (Click here for more information)

14. Resolution setting date of public hearing for March 7, 2017, on General Obligation Loan Agreement in an amount not to exceed $8,000,000 (Click here for more information)

15. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for 2016/17 Asphalt Street Pavement Improvements and 2016/17 Water System Improvement Program #2 Water Main Replacement;setting March 1, 2017, as bid due date and March 7, 2017, as date of public hearing (Click here for more information)

16. Resolution authorizing upgrades and new purchases for Electric Services to be paid with monies previously accumulated in the Fleet Replacement Fund for units being taken out of service (Click here for more information)

17. Resolution awarding contract for FY 2016/17 Boiler Maintenance Services for Power Plant to TEI Construction Services, Inc., of Duncan, South Carolina, in an amount not to exceed $200,000 (Click here for more information)

18. Resolution approving contract and bond for Water Pollution Control Facility Switchgear Rehabilitation Project (Click here for more information)

19. Resolution approving contract and bond for CyRide 2016 Security Entry System, Phase 1 (Click here for more information)

20. Resolution approving contract and bond for 2016/17 CDBG Public Facilities Improvement Program (Mainstream Living Parking Lot) (Click here for more information)

21. Resolution approving contract and bond for South Skunk River Basin Watershed Improvements (City Hall Parking Lot) (Click here for more information)

22. Resolution approving contract and bond for 2016/17 Water System Improvements Program #1 -Water Service Transfer (8th Street, Hayward Avenue, Little Street) (Click here for more information)

23. Resolution accepting completion of the WPC Trickling Filter Pump Station Repainting Project (Click here for more information)

24. Resolution approving Plat of Survey for 601 and 603 South 16th Street and 1420 South Grand Avenue (Click here for more information)

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes.


25. Hearing on Annexation of property located at 4605 Hyde Avenue: (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving annexation

26. Hearing on 2014/15 Low-Point Drainage Improvements: (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to J&K Contracting, LLC, of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $332,881

27. Hearing on Resource Recovery Tipping Floor Replacement: (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Con-Struct,Inc., of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $129,929


28. Resolution approving Joint Use Parking Agreement for 3500 University Boulevard (Click here for more information)

29. Follow-up on 2017/18 CDBG Proposed Annual Action Plan projects (Click here for more information)


30. Resolution approving Change Order No. 14 with Knutson Construction Services, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, for Water Treatment Plant Contract No. 2 (Click here for more information)


31. Staff report regarding sidewalk caf requirements: (Click here for more information)

a. Motion directing staff to prepare ordinance


32. First passage of ordinance making Clark Avenue No Parking at all times on both sides of street from Lincoln Way to Main Street (Click here for more information)



*Please note that this agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time asprovided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.