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SEPTEMBER 27, 2016

(Click here to download agenda and items through 25)
(Click here to download items 26-41)


CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m.

1. Amendments to 2015 Passenger Transportation Plan and FY 2017-2020 Transportation
Improvement Program: (Click here for more information)

a. Motion approving amendment to the AAMPO 2015 Passenger Transportation Plan and setting October 11, 2016, as date of public hearing
b. Motion approving amendment to the FY 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program and setting
October 11, 2016, as date of pubic hearing



*The Regular City Council Meeting will immediately follow the meeting of the Ames Area
Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Committee.


1. Proclamation for World Habitat Week, October 3-9, 2016

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.

2. Motion approving payment of claims

3. Motion approving Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 13, 2016, and Special Meeting of September 20, 2016

4. Motion changing the first City Council Regular Meeting date in November from November 8 to November 15, 2016

5. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for September 1-15, 2016 (Click here for more information)

6. Motion approving 5-day (October 10-14) Special Class C Liquor License for Ames Public Library Friends Foundation, 515 Douglas Avenue (Click here for more information)

7. Motion approving 5-day (October 10-14) Special Class C Liquor License for Friendship Ark Homes at CPMI Event Center, 2321 North Loop Drive (Click here for more information)

8. Motion approving 5-day (October 19-23) Class C Liquor License for Olde Main Brewing Company at Alumni Center, 420 Beach Avenue, pending dram shop insurance (Click here for more information)

9. Motion approving 5-day (October 13-17) Class C Liquor License for Christianis Events, LLC, at Alumni Center, 420 Beach Avenue, pending dram shop insurance (Click here for more information)

10. Motion approving Ownership Change pertaining to Class C Liquor License - Octagon Center for the Arts, 427 Douglas Avenue (Click here for more information)

11. Motion approving renewal of the following Beer Permits, Wine Permits, and Liquor Licenses: (Click here for more information)

a. Class C Liquor La Fuente Mexican Restaurant, 217 South Duff Avenue
b. Class C Beer & B Wine Hy-Vee Gas #5018, 636 Lincoln Way
c. Class C Liquor, B Native Wine, & Outdoor Service AJs Ultra Lounge, 2401 Chamberlain Street
d. Class E Liquor, C Beer, & B Wine Hy-Vee Food Store #1, 3800 West Lincoln Way
e. Class E Liquor, C Beer, & B Wine Hy-Vee Food & Drugstore #2, 640 Lincoln Way
f. Class C Liquor Hy-Vee #1 Clubroom, 3800 West Lincoln Way
g. Class C Beer Doc's Stop No. 5, 2720 East 13th Street

12. Motion directing City Attorney to prepare ordinance establishing parking regulations on Clark Avenue (from Lincoln Way to Main Street) (Click here for more information)

13. Resolution approving appointment of Joel Hochstein to fill vacancy on Human Relations Commission (Click here for more information)

14. Resolution approving 2016 Street Finance Report (Click here for more information)

15. Resolution accepting 2016 Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, and Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program and authorizing Police Department to participate in program (Click here for more information)

16. Resolution approving Encroachment Permit for a sign at 2525 Bobcat Drive (Click here for more information)

17. Resolution approving Encroachment Permit for a sign at 310 Main Street (Click here for more information)

18. Resolution approving street closure for utility service installation on Wheeler Street for new Walmart (Click here for more information)

19. Resolution approving reservation of parking spaces and waiving parking meter fees at specific polling locations on Election Day (Click here for more information)

20. Resolution awarding contract to Communication Innovators of Pleasant Hill, Iowa, for City Facility Security Camera System in the amount of $63,393 (Click here for more information)

21. Resolution approving revisions to ASSET Policies and Procedures (Click here for more information)

22. Resolution approving amendment to Engineering Services Agreement with V&K/WHKS for construction observation of the 2014/15 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation (Flood Prone Manholes) in an amount not to exceed $87,180 (Click here for more information)

23. Resolution approving renewal of 28E Agreement with Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division for Tobacco, Alternative Nicotine, and Vapor Product enforcement (Click here for more information)

24. Requests of Main Street Cultural District for Oktoberfest on October 22, 2016: (Click here for more information)

a. Motion approving blanket Temporary Obstruction Permit and blanket Vending License
b. Resolution approving closure of Main Street from Kellogg to Douglas from 1:00 p.m. Friday, October 21 to 1:0 a.m. Sunday, October 23, 2016, including closure of 46 parking spaces
c. Resolution approving waiver of fees for blanket Vending License, meter costs for parking space closures, and costs for use of electricity in 200 block of Main Street
d. Motion approving 5-day (October 22 - 27) Special Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service Privilege for Main Street Cultural District in the 200 block of Main Street.

25. Requests from Homecoming Central Committee for ISU Homecoming activities, October 23-29: (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving closure of portions of Pearle Avenue, Fifth Street, Main Street, Clark Avenue, Burnett Avenue, and Douglas Avenue between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 23
b. Resolution approving closure of on-street parking on portions of Pearle Avenue, Fifth Street, Main Street, Clark Avenue, Burnett Avenue, Douglas Avenue, City Hall Parking Lot M, and City Hall Parking Lot MM from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 23
c. Motion approving a blanket temporary obstruction permit for MSCD from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 23
d. Resolution approving waiver of fee for usage of electricity
e. Resolution approving closure of portions of Ash Avenue, Gable Lane, Gray Avenue, Pearson Avenue, and Sunset Drive between 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on Friday, October 28
f. Resolution approving closure of on-street parking on portions of Ash Avenue, Gable Lane, Gray Avenue, Pearson Avenue, and Sunset Drive from 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 27 to 10:30 p.m. on Friday, October 28
g. Motion approving temporary obstruction permit for area inside Ash Avenue, Gable Lane, Gray Avenue, Pearson Avenue, and Sunset Drive, as well as for Greek Triangle
h. Motion approving Fireworks Permit for ground effects fireworks shoot on Central Campus at Midnight on
October 28 (Click here for more information)

26. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for CyRide Roof Replacement Project, setting October 26, 2016, as the bid due date and November 15, 2016, as the date of public hearing (Click here for more information)

27. Resolution awarding a contract for 2016/17 Tree Trimming and Removal Program to LawnPro LLC to Colo, Iowa, in an amount not to exceed $70,000 (Click here for more information)

28. Resolution approving contract and bond for Water Pollution Control Administration Building HVAC Project (Click here for more information)

29. Resolution approving contract and bond for Squaw Creek Water Main Protection Project (Click here for more information)

30. Resolution approving Change Order No. 3 with FPD Power Development, LLC, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, for Power Plant Fuel Conversation - Electrical Installation General Work Contract in the amount of $123,893.91 (Click here for more information)

31. Resolution accepting completion of Bid No. 2 Turbine Steam Seal System at a total cost of $370,064.42 (Click here for more information)

32. Resolution approving Minor Final Plat for Ames Community Development Park Subdivision, 5th Addition (810 South Bell Avenue) (Click here for more information)

33. Resolution approving Minor Final Plat for Dauntless Subdivision, 11th Addition (Click here for more information)

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes.


34. Hearing on rezoning of 2728 Lincoln Way, 112 and 114 South Hyland Avenue, and 115 South Sheldon Avenue from Residential High Density (RH) and University West Impact Overlay (OUIW) to Campustown Service Center (CSC): (Click here for more information)

a. First passage of ordinance (Click here for more information)
b. Motion proposing vacating and selling a portion of right-of-way along west side of South Sheldon Avenue (abutting property at 115 South Sheldon) (Click here for more information)
c. Motion directing staff to initiate Urban Revitalization Area for 2700 Block of Lincoln Way and setting November 15, 2016, as date of public hearing (Click here for more information)

35. Hearing on rezoning, with Master Plan, of 3115, 3119, 3301, 3325, 3409, and 3413 South Duff Avenue from Highway-Oriented Commercial (HOC) and Agricultural (A) to Residential High Density (RH) and Highway-Oriented Commercial (HOC): (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving Contract Rezoning Agreement (Click here for more information)
b. First passage of ordinance (Click here for more information)

36. Hearing on Major Site Development Plan Amendment for 3505 and 3515 Lincoln Way (Walnut Ridge): (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving revision to Major Site Development Plan pertaining to the overall Landscape Plan

37. Hearing on Water Pollution Control Facility Trickling Filter Pumping Station Pipe Recoating Project: (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to TMI Coatings, Inc., of St. Paul, Minnesota, in the amount of $58,500
b. Resolution authorizing transfer of $2,890 in savings from WPC Raw Water Pump Station Repainting Project to this project

38. Hearing on 2007/08 Shared-Use Path Expansion (Oakwood Road):(Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Con-Struct, Inc., of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $203,988.90

39. Hearing on Amendment to 2014-18 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Plan: (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving Amendment to the 2014/18 Five-Year Consolidated and the 2016-17 Annual Action Plans to create a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area

40. Hearing on 2015-16 CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER): (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving the Report

41. Hearing on Amendments to Fiscal Year 2016/17 Budget: (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution amending current budget for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2017



42. Motion to hold Closed Session as provided by Section 20.17(3), Code of Iowa, to discuss
collective bargaining strategy


*Please note that this Agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as
provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.