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JUNE 24, 2014
JUNE 24, 2014
(Click here to download agenda items 2 -15 in PDF)
(Click here to download agenda items 16 - 38 in PDF)
CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m.
CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.
1. Motion approving payment of claims
2. Motion approving minutes of Regular Meeting of June 10, 2014 (Click here for more information)
3. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for June 1-15, 2014 (Click here for more information)
4. Motion approving 5-Day Class B Beer Permit & Outdoor Service for Wheatsfield Cooperative, 409 Northwestern Avenue (Click here for more information)
5. Motion approving 5-Day Class C Liquor License for Olde Main Brewing Company at Reiman Gardens, 1407 University Boulevard (Click here for more information)
6. Motion approving 5-Day Class B Beer Permit & Outdoor Service for Bar at Zylstra Harley Davidson, 1219 McCormick Avenue (Click here for more information)
7. Resolution approving and adopting Supplement No. 2014-3 to Municipal Code (Click here for more information)
8. Resolution approving appointment of Council Member Gloria Betcher to Ames Economic Development Commission Board of Directors (Click here for more information)
9. Resolution approving 2014/15 Contract for Arts Funding with Good Company (Click here for more information)
10. Resolution approving renewal of contract with Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) for liability insurance for 2014/15 (Click here for more information)
11. Resolution approving rescission of Resolution No. 14-334 and adopting Resolution to accept alternate quotation from Holmes Murphy for Excess Workers Compensation for 2014/15 (Click here for more information)
12. Resolution approving Commission On The Arts Fall 2014 Special Project Grants (Click here for more information)
13. Resolution approving carry-over to FY 2014/15 of funds for Historic Preservation Commission (Click here for more information)
14. Ames Public Library Book Brigade on Sunday, August 17: (Click here for more information)
a. Resolution approving closure of Main Street, from Clark Avenue to Douglas Avenue, and Douglas Avenue, from Main Street to 6th Street, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
15. Resolution authorizing Mayor to sign Letter of Agreement among the City, Department of Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office, and State Archeologist pertaining to the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan for construction of New Water Treatment Plant (Click here for more information)
16. Resolution approving application for State Recreational Trail Grant for 6th Street (Hazel Avenue - Brookside Park entrance) to improve shared use path and bicycle facilities on 6th Street from Hazel Avenue to Brookside Park entrance (Click here for more information)
17. Request from AT&T for cellular antenna to be located on City property northwest of Dog Park: (Click here for more information)
a. Resolution approving Agreement granting temporary entry to site for measurements and testing
b. Motion authorizing staff to make Joint Application for Special Use Permit
18. Resolution approving contract and bond for North Growth Area Utility Extension Project (Click here for more information)
19. Resolution approving Year 2 (FY 2014/15) of Lime Sludge Disposal Contract with Wulfekuhle Injection and Pumping for Water and Pollution Control (Click here for more information)
20. Resolution approving renewal of software maintenance contract with Sungard/HTE for joint public safety network (Click here for more information)
21. Resolution approving renewal of software maintenance contract from Sungard/HTE for Information Services (Click here for more information)
22. Resolution accepting completion of Public Library Renovation and Expansion Abatement Work (Click here for more information)
23. Resolution accepting completion of 2010/11 Storm Water Facility Rehabilitation Program - Spring Valley Subdivision (Utah Drive/Oklahoma Drive) and 2012/13 Flood Response and Mitigation Program (Clear Creek Landslide - Utah Drive) (Click here for more information)
24. Resolution accepting completion of 2011/12 Downtown Pavement Improvements Project - Douglas Avenue (Main Street - 7th Street) (Click here for more information)
25. Resolution accepting completion of 2011/12 Asphalt Pavement Improvement Program and 2011/12 Low-Point Drainage Program (Click here for more information)
PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no
time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes.
26. Hearing on rezoning for 205 South Wilmoth Avenue from Special Government/Airport (S-GA) to Residential Low Density (RL): (Click here for more information)
a. Motion to continue hearing
27. Hearing on rezoning with Master Plan for 601 State Avenue from Special Government/Airport (S-GA) to Residential Low Density (RL) and Floating Suburban Residential Low Density (FS-RL): (Click here for more information)
a. Motion to continue hearing
28. Hearing on South Annexation:
a. Resolution approving annexation (Click here for more information)
b. Staff report on capping sanitary and water connection fees (Click here for more information)
29. Hearing on zoning text amendments to Sections 29.1507(2) and 29.1507(3) pertaining to Petitions for Rezoning and Master Plan Determination, respectively: (Click here for more information)
a. First passage of ordinance
30. Hearing on zoning text amendment pertaining to Floating Suburban Residential District, specifically related to density range, limitation on units per building, changes to setbacks, clarifications to Establishment Sections references to rezoning and map amendment process, and cleanup of net density terminology: (Click here for more information)
a. First passage of ordinance
31. Hearing on Water Pollution Control Facility Switchgear Control Rehabilitation: (Click here for more information)
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Waldinger Corporation of Des Moines, Iowa, in the amount of $70,400
32. Hearing on Water Pollution Control Make-Up Air Unit Replacement: (Click here for more information)
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Mechanical Comfort, Inc., of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $83,550
33. Hearing on Fleet Services Building Roof Replacement Project - Phase 1: (Click here for more information)
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Ida Grove Roofing and Improvement, Inc., of Ida Grove, Iowa, in the amount of $89,864
34. Update from Main Street Cultural District pertaining to usage of funding allocation: (Click here for more information)
a. Motion providing direction to staff
35. Request from Young Professionals of Ames for Permit for fireworks display on July 3, 2014, with rain date of July 5, 2014: (Click here for more information)
a. Motion providing direction regarding funding shortfall
b. Motion approving/denying Fireworks Permit from ISU Lot G7
36. Resolution approving/motion denying extension of temporary change to three metered parking stalls in front of 119 Stanton Avenue for First National Bank (Click here for more information)
37. Staff follow-up report on Rental Housing Code concerns expressed by Ames Rental Association (Click here for more information)
38. First passage of ordinance amending Chapter 21 to allow for multiple-family development entrance signs (Click here for more information)
39. Third passage and adoption of Airport Obstruction ORDINANCE NO. 4186
40. Motion to hold Closed Session as provided by Section 21.5c, Code of Iowa, to discuss matters in litigation
*Please note that this agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.