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FEBRUARY 11, 2014
(Click here to download entire packet in PDF)
CALL TO ORDER: 5:15 p.m.
1. Council Budget Presentations:
a. Arts Funding (COTA)
b. Human Services (ASSET)
c. Public Art
d. Outside Funding Requests
2. Public Input on Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) and Budget
3. Final Council Decisions:
a. Set salaries for Council appointees
b. Amendments to 2014-2019 CIP
c. Vote on motion to approve 2014-2019 CIP, as amended
d. Amendments to FY 2013/14 budget
e. Vote on motion to approve proposed budget amendments for FY 2013/14
f. Motion to set March 4, 2014, as date of public hearing on proposed budget amendments for FY 2013/14
g. Amendments to proposed FY 2014/15 budget
h. Vote on motion to approve proposed budget for FY 2014/15, as amended
i. Motion to set March 4, 2014, as date of final public hearing on proposed budget for FY 2014/15
*The regular City Council meeting will immediately follow Budget Wrap-Up.
CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.
1. Motion approving payment of claims
2. Motion approving Minutes of Special Meetings of January 31, February 4, 5, and 6, 2014, and Regular Meeting of January 28, 2014
3. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for January 16-31, 2014 (Click here for more information)
4. Motion approving renewal of the following beer permits, wine permits, and liquor licenses:(Click here for more information)
a. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service - Cys Roost, 121 Welch Avenue
b. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service - Mickeys Irish Pub, 109 Welch Avenue
c. Class E Liquor, C Beer, and B Wine - Fareway Store #386, 619 Burnett Avenue
d. Class E Liquor, C Beer, and B Wine - Fareway Store #093, 3619 Stange Road
e. Class C Liquor - El Azteca, 2727 Stange Road
f. Class B Liquor - Holiday Inn Ames, 2609 University Boulevard
g. Class C Beer and B Wine - Gateway Expresse, 2400 University Boulevard
h. Class C Liquor - The 5 & Dime, 115 5th Street
5. Resolution accepting the 2013 Resource Recovery Annual Report (Click here for more information)
6. Motion approving submission of application for 2014/15 Governors Traffic Safety Bureau Grant, and if awarded, authorizing participation by Police Department (Click here for more information)
7. Resolution setting March 4, 2014, as date of public hearing and notice of intent to issue Essential Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $10,750,000; $2,500,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, and associated tax levy for debt service (Click here for more information)
8. Resolution setting date of public hearing for February 25, 2014, on vacating easement in Ringgenberg Subdivision, Fourth Addition (Click here for more information)
9. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for Fuel Oil Pipe Installation at Combustion Turbine Site; setting March 12, 2014, as bid due date and March 25, 2014, as date of public hearing (Click here for more information)
10. Resolution waiving Citys Purchasing Policy requirement for formal bidding procedures and awarding contract to Open Systems International, Inc., Medina, Minnesota, for the Power Plant SCADA Upgrade project in the amount of $213,722, with applicable sales taxes to be paid directly by the City (Click here for more information)
11. Resolution approving contract and bond for 2013/14 CyRide Route Paving Improvements Program #1 (Click here for more information)
12. Resolution approving contract and bond for 2012/13 Traffic Signal Program (Lincoln Way and Hayward Avenue) (Click here for more information)
13. Resolution approving contract and bond for Furnishing Control Panels for Haber Road Substation (Click here for more information)
14. Resolution approving Change Order Nos. 1, 2, and 3 for 2010/11 Airport Improvements (West Apron Rehabilitation) (Click here for more information)
15. Resolution accepting completion of 2013/14 Resource Recovery Process Area Sprinkler System Replacement (Phase I) (Click here for more information)
16. Resolution accepting completion of South River Valley Softball Fencing and Lighting Project (Click here for more information)
17. Resolution accepting completion of public utilities and erosion control required for Four Seasons Park Subdivision - Phases 2 and 4, and releasing security being held therefor (Click here for more information)
18. Resolution approving Plat of Survey for 633-18th Street, 1916 Grand Avenue, and 1924 Grand Avenue (Click here for more information)
19. Resolution approving Final Plat for Baptist Acres Subdivision (3333 Stange Road) (Click here for more information)
PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes.
20. Hearing on 1200 Amp Switchgear for Vet Med Feeder Extension:(Click here for more information)
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to WESCO Distribution of Des Moines, Iowa, in the amount of $17,334 (inclusive of sales tax)
21. Hearing on Water Treatment Plant Tree Removal Project:(Click here for more information)
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Aspen Land Clearing of Dows, Iowa, in the amount of $54,910
22. Resolution approving/motion denying 2014 Urban Revitalization tax abatement requests (Click here for more information)
23. Review of Planning and Housing Department Work Plan (Click here for more information)
24. Second passage of ordinance exempting fraternities and sororities from Rental Housing Code
25. Second passage of ordinance eliminating Ames Municipal Code Sections 13.403(1.c) and 13.802(5) of Rental Housing Code (Fire Alarm System Retrofitting)
*Please note that this agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.