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(Click here to view entire agenda in PDF)

AUGUST 28, 2012

CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m.

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.
1. Motion approving payment of claims
2. Motion approving Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 14, 2012 (Click here for more information)
3. Motion approving certification of civil service applicants (Click here for more information)
4. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for August 1 - 15, 2012 (Click here for more information)
5. Motion approving renewal of the following beer permits, wine permits, and liquor licenses:
a. Class E Liquor, C Beer, & B Wine Hy-Vee Drugstore, 500 Main Street
b. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service Indian Delights, 127 Dotson Drive
c. Class C Liquor Mandarin Restaurant of Ames, 415 Lincoln Way
d. Special Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service Noodles & Company, 414 South Duff Avenue
e. Class E Liquor, C Beer, & B Wine Cyclone Liquors, 626 Lincoln Way
f. Class C Liquor Corner Pocket/DGs Taphouse, 125 Main Street (Click here for more information)
6. Resolution approving revisions to Records Retention Schedule (Click here for more information)
7. Resolution designating First National Bank of Ames, Iowa, as depository bank for City of Ames through September 30, 2015, with three-year renewal option (Click here for more information)
8. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for 2008/09 and 2009/10 Skunk River Trail Extension (Hunziker Youth Sports Complex to Southeast 16th Street); setting September 18, 2012, as bid due date and September 25, 2012, as date of public hearing (Click here for more information)
9. Resolution awarding contract for CyRide Facility Boiler Replacement to Mechanical Comfort of Des Moines, Iowa, in the amount of $89,345.00 (Click here for more information)
10. Resolution approving Change Order for Tree Trimming Contract with LawnPro, LLC, of Colo, Iowa, in an amount not to exceed $12,000 (Click here for more information)
11. Resolution approving Change Order No. 55 for Intermodal Facility Fire Extinguisher Cabinets (Click here for more information)
12. Resolution approving final completion of South 4th Street Water Main Repair Project (Click here for more information)
13. Resolution approving Plat of Survey for 224 and 236 South Bell Avenue (Click here for more information)
14. Resolution approving Minor Final Plat for Rasmussen Group Subdivision (Click here for more information)
15. Resolution approving Minor Final Plat for Fountainview Subdivision, 2nd Addition (Click here for more information)
16. Resolution approving Minor Final Plat for Fountainview Subdivision, 3rd Addition (Click here for more information)

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it
appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes.

17. Motion approving sign encroachment permit for Portobello Road, 122 Welch Avenue (Click here for more information)
18. Motion approving new Class C Beer Permit for Tienda Mexicana Rosita, 118 South Sherman Avenue #102 (Click here for more information)
19. Motion approving 5-day licenses for Olde Main Brewing Company at ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Avenue:
a. Special Class C Liquor, August 29 - September 2
b. Class C Liquor, September 8 - 12 (Click here for more information)
20. Motion approving/denying new 12-month Class C Liquor License & Outdoor Service for Club Element/Chasers/e, 2401 Chamberlain Street (Click here for more information)
21. Motion approving/denying new 6-month Class C Liquor License & Outdoor Service for Cys Roost, 121 Welch Avenue (Click here for more information)
22. Ames High Homecoming Committee Requests for Homecoming Parade on Monday, September 10, 2012:
a. Resolution approving closure of Parking Lot MM and south half of Parking Lot M and portions of Main Street, Douglas Avenue, Fifth Street, Burnett Avenue, Kellogg Avenue, Clark Avenue, and Pearle Avenue from 5:30 p.m. to approximately 7:30 p.m.; waiver of parking meter fees in the Main Street Cultural District from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m.; waiver of parking meter fees for Parking Lot N from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.; and waiver of fee for Fireworks Permit
b. Motion approving fireworks permit for display after football game (approximately 9:15 p.m.) on September 14, 2012 (Click here for more information)

23. ASSET:
a. Resolution approving amendment to ASSET Policies and Procedures
b. Resolution approving 2012/13 Human Services Contract with Heartland Senior Services
c. Resolution approving the application from the Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Agency to participate in the ASSET process (Click here for more information)

24. Resolution approving back-billing adjustment for previously unmetered electric load at Green Hills Retirement Community (Click here for more information)

25. Resolution approving sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012, in a principal amount not to exceed $13,215,000 (Click here for more information)

26. Resolution authorizing funding for unanticipated repairs at Water Pollution Control Facility (Click here for more information)
27. Resolution awarding contract for WPC Diesel Fuel Tank Replacement to Acterra Group, Inc., of Marion, Iowa, in the amount of $188,000.00 (Click here for more information)
28. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for Rehabilitation of Methane Generator Number 2 at WPC; setting September 25, 2012, as bid due date and October 9, 2012, as date of public hearing (Click here for more information)
29. Resolution approving Engineering Services Agreement with FOX Engineering for final design, bidding services, and construction services for new Water Treatment Plant in lump sum amount of
$7,044,500.00, plus services billed on an hourly basis, plus expenses in an estimated amount not to exceed $1,195,500.00 (Click here for more information)

30. Hearing on proposal to enter into State Revolving Fund (SRF) Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement in a principal amount not to exceed $3,121,000:
a. Resolution approving entering into SRF Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement (Click here for more information)
31. Hearing on 2011/12 Asphalt Pavement Improvement Program and 2011/12 Low Point Drainage Improvements (South Oak Avenue from South 4th Street to Lincoln Way):
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Con-Struct, Inc., of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $511,021.70 (Click here for more information)
32. Hearing on 2012/13 CDBG Public Facilities Neighborhood Infrastructure Improvements Program (Beedle Drive and Aplin Road):
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Manatts, Inc., of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $338,818.93 (Click here for more information)
33. Hearing on 2011/12 Downtown Pavement Improvements (Douglas Avenue):
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Con-Struct, Inc., of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $1,215,016.00(Click here for more information)
34. Hearing for Squaw Creek Pedestrian Bridge Project:
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Iowa Bridge & Culvert, LC, of Washington, Iowa, in the amount of $279,335.60 (Click here for more information)
35. Hearing on Water Pollution Control Facility Raw Wastewater Pumping Station Pipe Supports and Check Valve Replacement Project:
a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Story Construction Company of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $135,300.00 (Click here for more information)

36. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4121 pertaining to requirements for Master Plans



*Please note that this agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.