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JULY 12, 2011
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public during discussion. If you wish to speak, please complete an orange card and hand it to the City Clerk. When your name is called, please step to the microphone, state your name for the record, and limit the time used to present your remarks in order that others may be given the opportunity to speak. The normal process on any particular agenda item is that the motion is placed on the floor, input is received from the audience, the Council is given an opportunity to comment on the issue or respond to the audience concerns, and the vote is taken. On ordinances, there is time provided for public input at the time of the first reading. In consideration of all, if you have a cell phone, please turn it off or put it on silent ring.
CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m.
1. S.E. Entryway Project:
a. Presentation by Design Team
b. Motion authorizing staff to negotiate sole source contract for lighted sculptures
(Click here for more information.)
CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.
2. Motion approving payment of claims
3. Motion approving Minutes of Special Meeting of June 21, 2011, and Regular Meeting of June 28, 2011
4. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for June 16-30, 2011
(Click here for more information.)
5. Motion approving renewal of the following beer permits, wine permits, and liquor licenses:
a. Class C Liquor Welch Ave. Station, 207 Welch Avenue
b. Class B Beer Pancheros Mexican Grill, 1310 South Duff Avenue
c. Class C Liquor Capones, 2518 Lincoln Way
(Click here for more information.)
6. Motion directing City Attorney to draft ordinance changing name of Cardiff Drive to Grayhawk Avenue
(Click here for more information.)
7. Resolution approving agreement with Story County for funding under 2011 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
(Click here for more information.)
8. Resolution approving Contract for Economic Development Financial Assistance with Iowa Economic Development and Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc., and the Cities of Ames, Fort Dodge, and Sioux Center
(Click here for more information.)
9. Resolution approving renewal of CyRide contract for Dial-A-Ride Services
(Click here for more information.)
10. Resolution approving revisions to Official Parking Meter Map for Downtown Lots S and R
(Click here for more information.)
11. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for Water Pollution Control Facility Methane Engine Generator Rehabilitation Project; setting July 28, 2011, as bid due date and August 9, 2011, as date of public hearing
(Click here for more information.)
12. Resolution approving contract and bond for Emergency Relief Projects (South Dayton Avenue, 6th Street Bridge, Lincoln Way Bridge at Squaw Creek)
(Click here for more informaiton.)
13. Resolution accepting completion of 2009/10 Asphalt Resurfacing and Seal Coat Removal/Asphalt Reconstruction Program
(Click here for more information.)
14. Resolution accepting completion of Greenbriar Park Improvements Project
(Click here for more information.)
15. Resolution accepting completion of ISU Vet Med Substation Materials (Instrument Transformers)
(Click here for more information.)
PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five or fewer minutes.
16. Motion approving 5-Day Class C Liquor License for Villa Catering at CPMI Event Center, 2321 North Loop Drive (Click here for more information.)
17. Motion approving permit to shoot fireworks from southeast intersection of University Boulevard and Southeast 16th Street on July 15, 2011, for 2011 Iowa Games
(Click here for more information.)
18. Resolution approving Agreement between City and Mary Greeley Medical Center for transfer of control of vacated portion of 11th Street between Kellogg Avenue and Douglas Avenue and alley
(Click here for more information.)
19. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4074 vacating un-vacated portion of 11th Street between Kellogg Avenue and Douglas Avenue and northern 181 Feet of alley that lies south of 11th Street between Kellogg Avenue and Douglas Avenue
20. Resolution approving Plat of Survey for 1111 Duff Avenue
(Click here for more information.)
21. Status Report on Streets of North Grand
(Click here for more information.)
(Click here for letter from GK Development)
22. Americans with Disabilities Act complaint regarding Summit Avenue sidewalks:
a. Motion approving/denying installation of handicapped ramps and sidewalk section
(Click here for more information.)
23. Community Visioning:
a. Public Input
b. Resolution approving report and recommended action steps for Citys Community Visioning
(Click here for more information.)
24. Resolution adopting revisions to Records Retention Schedule
(Click here for more information.)
25. Resolution approving/motion denying annexation of Rose Prairie Subdivision
(Click here for more information.)
26. Staff report on request for text amendment to allow remote parking for residential uses (Crystal Cove Apartments)
(Click here for more information.)
27. Private Fuel Storage at Municipal Airport:
a. Resolution approving Amendment to Airport Master Plan
b. Resolution approving amended Lease Agreements with Brian Aukes and Craig Summerfield
(Click here for more information.)
28. Resolution awarding contract to Power Costs, Inc., of Norman, Oklahoma, in the amount of $449,400.00, plus applicable sales tax, for purchase of software services necessary to manage MISO market transactions
(Click here for more information.)
29. Second passage of ordinance rezoning property at 3409-3413 South Duff Avenue from Agricultural (A) to Highway-Oriented Commercial (HOC)
30. Second passage of ordinance rezoning property at 516 Kellogg Avenue from Government/Airport (S-GA) to Downtown Service Center (DSC)
31. Second passage of ordinance rezoning property at 500 Kellogg Avenue from Downtown Service Center (DSC) to Government/Airport (S-GA)
32. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4073 rezoning properties between 11th Street and 13th Street (from Duff Avenue to Carroll Avenue) from Urban Core Residential Medium Density (UCRM) to Hospital-Medical (H-M)
33. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4075 making text amendment to height limits for principal structures in Hospital-Medical Zoning District
34. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4076 rezoning properties at 1010 & 1018 Kellogg Avenue and 220 & 222 11th Street from Medium-Density Residential (R-M) to Hospital-Medical (H-M)
*Please note that this agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.