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PDF version of Agenda

Mayor & City Council

City Council Agenda


Regular Meeting of the Ames Conference Board

Regular Meeting of the Ames City Council


February 22, 2011


CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m.

1. Roll Call

2. Motion approving minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 25, 2011

3. Resolution approving appointment of Tom Carey to Board of Review (Click here for more information.)

4. Resolution adopting amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement regarding MAPs and GIS funding (Click here for more information.)

5. Public hearing on proposed FY 2011/12 budget for Ames City Assessors Office (Click here for more information.)

a. Motion to adopt budget




*The City Councils Regular Meeting will immediately follow the Conference Board Meeting.


1. Presentation by Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals regarding State of Iowa contract to conduct food inspections (Click here for more information.)

2. Presentation of Neighborhood Improvement Program projects by Historic Old Town Neighborhood Association

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.

3. Motion approving payment of claims

4. Motion approving minutes of Regular Meeting of February 8, 2011

5. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for February 1-15, 2011 (Click here for more information.)

6. Motion approving renewal of the following beer permits, wine permits, and liquor licenses: (Click here for more information.)

a. Special Class C Liquor Angies Cantina, 2416 Lincoln Way

b. Class C Beer Almost Always Open, 419 Lincoln Way

7. Resolution approving Engineering Services Agreement for 2010/11 Traffic Engineering Studies (Traffic Calming Study) (Click here for more information.)

8. Resolution correcting the name of subdivision pertaining to Rose Prairie Final Plat (Click here for more information.)

9. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for 2010/11 Arterial Street Pavement Improvements (6th Street/Grand Avenue to Northwestern Avenue); setting March 16, 2011, as bid due date and March 22, 2011, as date of public hearing (Click here for more information.)

10. Resolution approving 2010/11 Neighborhood Improvement Program grant to Historic Old Town Neighborhood for Phase I In-Fill Planting of Street Trees (Click here for more information.)

11. Resolution awarding contract to Babcock & Wilcox of Barberton, Ohio, in the amount of $239,006.98 for Power Plant Unit No. 8 Coal Mill Parts (Click here for more information.)

12. Resolution awarding contract for Vet Met Substation Equipment Commissioning to Electrical Reliability Services Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the amount of $77,759 (Click here for more information.)

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes.


13. Motion approving new Class C Beer & B Native Wine Permit for Caseys Store #2905, 3612 Stange Road (Click here for more information.)

14. Motion approving new 5-Day Class C Liquor License for Olde Main Brewing Co., at Reiman Gardens, 1407 University Boulevard (Click here for more information.)

15. Motion approving encroachment permit for sign at 2320 Lincoln Way (Click here for more information.)

16. Resolution approving street and parking space closures for Main Street Farmers Market (Click here for more information.)

17. Resolution approving request to provide water service to 2126 State Avenue (Click here for more information.)


18. Hearing on Intermodal Facility (Continued from February 8, 2011): (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution approving Operations Agreement with Iowa State University

b. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Weitz Company of Des Moines, Iowa, in the amount of $7,115,000

19. Hearing on issuance of $6,640,000 Essential Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds and Associated Tax Levy for Debt Service: (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution approving issuance

20. Hearing on issuance of $310,000 General Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds and Associated Tax Levy for Debt Service: (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution approving issuance


21. Electric Services Cost of Service Study and Electric Rate Design Study: (Click here for more information.)

a. Motion authorizing City Manager to negotiate and enter into a contract with SAIC Energy, Environmental & Infrastructure LLC of St. Paul, Minnesota


22. City Hall Heat Pump Replacement Project: (Click here for more information.)

a. Motion accepting report of bids


23. Public Safety Information Management System: (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution approving contracts with SunGard

b. Resolution approving Cost-Sharing Agreement among City, Story County, Iowa State University, and 9-1-1 Board


24. Continuation of Outside Consulting Services for Water Pollution Control Plant NPDES Permit Appeal: (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution authorizing additional $30,000


25. Second passage of ordinance vacating former Sumner Avenue right-of-way and alley right-of-way in Kingsburys Addition

26. Second passage of ordinance rezoning property at 712 South 16th Street from Highway-Oriented Commercial (HOC) to Residential High Density (RH)



*Please note that this agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.