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PDF version of Agenda

Mayor & City Council

City Council Agenda


Regular Meeting of the Ames Conference Board

Regular Meeting of the Ames City Council


January 25, 2011


CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m.

1. Roll Call

2. Motion approving minutes of the February 23, 2010, Regular Meeting

3. Discussion of City Assessors budget proposals: (Click here for more information.)

a. Motion approving recommendations of Assessors report

b. Motion to receive proposed budget (adoption of budget will occur after hearing is held)

c. Motion to set 6:30 p.m. on February 22, 2011, as date of public hearing on proposed FY 2011/12 City Assessors budget




*The City Councils Regular Meeting will immediately follow the Conference Board Regular Meeting.

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.

1. Motion approving payment of claims

2. Motion approving minutes of Special Meetings of January 8, and 18, 2011, and Regular Meeting of January 11, 2011

3. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for January 1-15, 2011 (Click here for more information.)

4. Motion approving renewal of the following beer permits, wine permits, and liquor licenses: (Click here for more information.)

a. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service West Towne Pub, 4518 Mortensen Road, Suite 101

b. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service Dublin Bay, 320 South 16th Street

c. Special Class C Liquor Black Market Pizza, 2610 Northridge Parkway

5. Resolution approving Investment Report for quarter ending December 31, 2010 (Click here for more information.)

6. Resolution approving 2010/11 Airport Improvements (West Apron Rehabilitation) Engineering Services Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company of Ames, Iowa, in an amount not to exceed $124,191 (Click here for more information.)

7. Resolution awarding contract to Wesco Distribution, Inc., of Des Moines, Iowa, in the amount of $164,352.00 to furnish 750 KCMIL Cable for Electric Services Department (Click here for more information.)

8. Resolution canceling bid process for Cooling Tower Repairs (Click here for more information.)

9. Resolution accepting final completion of 2008/09 Downtown Street Pavement Improvements (Burnett Avenue) (Click here for more information.)

10. Mary Adams Subdivision: (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution consenting as owner to platting

b. Resolution approving Minor Final Plat

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes.


11. Motion approving new Special Class C Liquor License for Shogun Japanese Steakhouse, 3704 Lincoln Way (Click here for more information.)

12. Staff report on private property towing: (Click here for more information.)

a. Motion directing City Attorney to draft ordinance


13. 2011-2016 Capital Improvements Plan:

a. Receive public input

b. Motions amending CIP (if requested)

14. Resolution approving Consultant Agreement for Visioning project (Click here for more information.)


15. Former Sumner Avenue Right-of-Way and Alley Right-of-Way in Kingsburys Addition: (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution setting date of public hearing as February 8, 2011, on/motion denying request to vacate rights-of-way

b. Resolution approving process of disposing rights-of-way once vacated by proposing sale and conveyance and setting February 8, 2011, as the date of public hearing on the sale


16. Ames Intermodal Facility: (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution approving Land Lease Agreement with Iowa State University, contingent upon approval by Board of Regents

b. Motion accepting report of bids for Ames Intermodal Facility


17. Resolution awarding contract to Fairbanks Morse of Kansas City, Kansas, in the amount of $354,656.00 for Water Pollution Control Plant Pump Replacement Project, and authorizing increase in current-year budget (Click here for more information.)

18. Resolution waiving the Citys Purchasing Policies for competitive bid of professional services and awarding a contract to Stanley Consultants, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $98,127 to design improvements to the NCAH Pump Station Renovation and Wastewater Metering Facilities (Click here for more information.)


19. Kellogg Corridor: (Click here for more information.)

a. Resolution approving amendment to Land Use Policy Plan Future Land Use Map

b. Motion directing staff to initiate rezoning to Downtown Services Center

c. Motion directing staff to add subject area to Downtown Facade Program for grants and tax abatement

20. Report on 2011/12 Annual Action Plan projects for Community Development Block Grant Program Agreement (Click here for more information.)


21. Second passage of ordinance prohibiting parking on north side of Springbrook Drive, east side of Wilder Avenue, north side of Roxboro Drive, and north side of Ballentine Drive

22. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4020 rezoning property located at 1013 and 1025 Adams Street to establish Historic Overlay District (O-H) and to designate property as Local Historic Landmark

23. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4021 making amendment to Section 31.13 of Municipal Code establishing design criteria for local historic landmark for property at 1013 and 1025 Adams Street

24. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4022 making zoning text amendment related to parking area and perimeter landscaping requirements

25. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4023 pertaining to parking regulations on North 4th Street from North Riverside Avenue to North Maple Avenue



26. Motion to hold closed session as provided by Section 20.17(3), Code of Iowa, to discuss collective bargaining strategy:

a. Resolution ratifying contract with IUOE (Power Plant and Blue Collar Units)


*Please note that this agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.