The Ames City Council was called to order by Mayor John Haila at 8:45 a.m. on the 13


day of

January, 2018, in Parks and Recreation Office, 1500 Gateway Hills Park Drive. City Council
Members present were Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen, Gloria Betcher, Amber Corrieri, Tim Gartin,
David Martin, and Chris Nelson. Ex officio Council Member Robert Bingham was also present.
City Manager Steven Schainker, City Attorney Mark Lambert, Assistant City Manager Bob
Kindred, Assistant City Manager Brian Phillips, and Management Analyst Tasheik Kerr were
also present.

Council to the Goal-Setting Session. He expressed appreciation for the unique strengths of each
Council Member, and indicated he was looking forward to the Council working together in the
future. The Mayor then turned the discussion over to Donna Gilligan, who was facilitating the

Ms. Gilligan reviewed the agenda for the day. She outlined her role, the roles of the Council
Members, the role of the public in attendance, and the role of City staff. Ms. Gilligan then
reviewed the desired outcomes and purpose of the activities the Council would undertake.

The Council Members conducted an energizer activity. Council Member Nelson left the meeting
at 9:48 a.m.

The meeting recessed at 10:16 a.m. and resumed at 10:28 a.m.

Ms. Gilligan led the group in an exercise to get to know one another. Council Member Nelson
returned to the meeting at 11:09 a.m.

The meeting recessed at 11:53 a.m. for lunch and resumed at 12:12 p.m.

Ms. Gilligan shared the themes she had learned from her individual meetings with each Council
Member. She then presented a personal style inventory to the City Council. The Council
Members reviewed their personal styles.

The meeting recessed at 1:44 p.m. and resumed at 1:53 p.m.

City Manager Steve Schainker reviewed the role of staff in relation to the City Council. Mayor
Haila mentioned that he wished for each item in the Council Packets to have the Council
formally decide whether to refer each item in the packet. Assistant City Manager Brian Phillips
proposed that during Council Comments, the City Clerk list each item one by one for the
Council Members to vote on referring, rather than relying on the Council Members to bring up
the items they are interested in.

Council Member Nelson left the meeting at 2:46 p.m.


The meeting recessed at 2:46 p.m. and resumed at 2:58 p.m.

Mr. Schainker discussed the role of the Mayor in relation to the City Council. He invited
feedback from the Council Members regarding their expectations for how the Mayor should run
meetings. Ex-Officio Council Member Bingham expressed that he felt the Council Members
talked over each other frequently. Council Member Beatty-Hansen expected efficiency in the
conversation to avoid de-railing the discussion. Council Member Corrieri asked whether there
was a rule for the public presentation of Power Points. Council Member Betcher requested that a
copy of any public presentation should sent in advance and retained for the Council’s records.
Council Member Martin stated it was helpful for the Mayor to ask the Clerk to read back the
motions prior to voting. Mayor Haila offered to ask Council Members whether they had anything
new or fresh to discuss if he senses the discussion becoming repetitive.

Council Member Nelson returned to the meeting at 3:14 p.m.

Council Member Gartin stated he felt it was appropriate for the Mayor to express appreciation
for those who may have apprehension about speaking at the Council meeting. Ex-officio Council
Member Bingham asked that Council Members intervene if there are derogatory comments
expressed about a group. Mr. Schainker summarized that he heard themes that the Mayor should
keep the discussion moving and civil. Regarding emails sent to the Mayor and City Council,
Mayor Haila committed to responding to all emails he receives, independent of whether the
Council Members respond.

Mayor Haila mentioned he would be contacting the Council Members more frequently to discuss
where they stand on particular issues. Council Member Corrieri offered that the Council could
meet perhaps quarterly in an informal setting to discuss progress towards the Council’s goals.
Council Member Gartin noted that there are times when he has acted negatively after losing a
vote, and he would like the Mayor to be willing to contact individual Council Members if they
act without courtesy.

Mr. Schainker asked the Council Members their thoughts regarding Council Members serving on
committees or participating in outside activities where there may be a perception that they
represent the rest of the City Council. The Council Members felt that they should keep the rest of
the Council informed if they participate on boards that may have a major impact on City
activities. Therefore, the rest of the Council would be informed and would have the opportunity
to ask questions of the participating Member. Participants on boards such as National League of
Cities committees will only inform the Council of their activities if there is some impact
anticipated to the City of Ames.

In lieu of this approach, Council Member Corrieri suggested that at the beginning of each year,
the Council Members all disclose their participation on commissions or committees that may
relate to their service on the Council. Mayor Haila offered to ask the City Clerk to send a request
for this information to each Council Member.

Ms. Gilligan outlined the steps for the next goal-setting meeting. The meeting will involve
reviewing ground rules, what makes an effective decision-making body, and the goals. She asked


the Council Members whether the goals will be started from scratch, using the existing goals, or
modifying the existing goals somehow. The Council Members expressed interest in modifying
the existing goals rather than starting from scratch.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting concluded at 4:30 p.m.

__________________________________ _______________________________________
Brian Phillips, Assistant City Manager

John A. Haila, Mayor