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JUNE 25, 2019

Click here to download entire agenda and supplemental materials in PDF

CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m.

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.
1. Motion approving payment of claims

2. Motion approving Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 11, 2019

3. Motion setting salaries for Council appointees FY 2019-20

4. Motion approving Class E Liquor License ownership change - Fareway Meat Market #189, 3720 Lincoln Way

5. Motion approving new 5-day Class C Liquor License (June 28 - July 2) - Thirsty Pigs LLC, 3600 University Boulevard

6. Motion approving renewal of the following Beer Permits, Wine Permits, and Liquor Licenses:

a. Special Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales - Botanero Latino, 604 East Lincoln Way
b. Class C Liquor License with Catering and Sunday Sales - Jethro's BBQ, 1301 Buckeye Avenue

7. Motion approving request from Ames Convention & Visitors Bureau for Fireworks Permit for display from 1422 S. 4th Street at 10:00 p.m. on July 3, 2019, for Independence Day Celebration

8. Resolution approving reappointment of Council Member Tim Gartin to Ames Economic Development Commission Board of Directors

9. Resolution approving and adopting Supplement No. 2019-3 to the Ames Municipal Code

10. Resolution adopting New and Revised Fees for the City of Ames to be effective July 1, 2019

11. Resolution approving Commission On The Arts (COTA) Special Project Grant Contract for Fall 2019 with Town and Gown Chamber Music Association

12. Resolution approving modifications to Clark Avenue bike lanes to remove bike box and replace with bike lanes at an estimated cost of $2,500

13. Resolution approving Safety Services Contract with IAMU in an amount not to exceed $66,000 for period July 1 through December 31, 2019, and optional renewal in an amount not to exceed $66,000 for period January 1 through June 30, 2020

14. Resolution accepting quote for Excess Worker’s Compensation Insurance from Holmes Murphy & Associates for coverage with Midwest Employers Casualty Company for the same coverage types and limits as the expiring contract at a renewal premium of $104,765

15. Resolution accepting quote and approving renewal of City’s membership in the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP) for certain casualty and liability coverages at a net cost of $510,499

16. Resolution accepting extension of Property Brokerage Agreement with Willis of Greater Kansas,
Inc., for the period beginning July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, in the amount of $50,000

17. Resolution approving renewal for property insurance program coverage with Willis of Greater Kansas, Inc., for FY 2019/20 at the combined quoted premium of $612,813

18. Resolution approving Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering of Omaha, Nebraska for 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan Update in an amount not to exceed $494,909

19. Resolution approving Agreement with JCorp and authorizing payment to JCorp of Ames, Iowa, in the amount of $57,339.05 from unobligated General Obligation Bond funds regarding Tripp Street Extension project

20. Resolution awarding Contract for FY 2019/2020 Hauling (to the Boone County Landfill) and Related Services for Resource Recovery Plant to Waste Management of Iowa, Inc., at a base rate of $14.14/ton

21. Resolution approving payment of $349,105 to Iowa State University to meet the City’s current StoryComm obligation under the Radio System Contract with RAYCOM

22. Resolution approving 3-Year extension of Welch Avenue Parking Lot T (Campustown) Lease

23. Requests for Midnight Madness on July 13, 2019:

a. Motion approving blanket Temporary Obstruction Permit and blanket Vending License
b. Motion approving 5-day Class B Beer & Outdoor Service Area in City Hall Parking Lot N
c. Resolution approving closure of portions of 5th Street, Douglas Avenue, 10th Street, Clark
Avenue, Main Street, Northwestern Avenue, 9th Street, Ridgewood Avenue, and 6th Street;
Burnett Avenue and Kellogg Avenue, from 5th Street to 10th Street; 6th Street, 7th Street, 8th
Street, and 9th Street, from Clark Avenue to Douglas Avenue; and Park Way, from 6:00 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 13
d. Resolution approving suspension of parking regulations and enforcement from 6 PM to 11 PM
e. Resolution approving closure of Clark Avenue from 5th Street to 6th Street and City Hall
Parking Lot N from 6 PM on July 13 to 1 AM on July 14 for post-race activities
f. Resolution approving waiver of fees for blanket Vending License and usage of electricity

24. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for South Grand Avenue - South 5th Street; setting July 16, 2019, as bid due date and July 23, 2019, as date of public hearing

25. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for the Wellhead Controls Improvements and Repainting Project; setting July 31, 2019, as the bid due date and August 13, 2019, as date of public hearing

26. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for the Water Plant Handrail Modifications Project; setting July 24, 2019, as bid due date and August 13, 2019, as date of public hearing

27. Resolution waiving City’s Purchasing Policies and Procedures requirement for formal bidding and awarding a contract to Open Systems International, Inc., of Medina, Minnesota, for Monarch Support for three-year term for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for the Power Plant in the total amount of $184,632

28. Resolution awarding contract to Murphy Tractor and Equipment of Des Moines, Iowa, for the purchase of a wheel loader to replace an old one used at the Resource Recovery Plant in the amount of $298,478

29. Resolution approving contract and bond for 2017/18 Downtown Street Pavement Improvements - Main Street Alleys (Duff-Douglas, Kellogg-Burnett)

30. Resolution approving contract and bond for Boiler Maintenance Services Contract for Power Plant

31. Resolution approving contract and bond for Power Plant Unit 7 Generator Overhaul Project

32. Resolution approving contract and bond for Teagarden Area Drainage Improvements 

33. Resolution approving contract extension with Electronic Engineering Co., of Ames, Iowa, to provide 800-MHZ trunked radio equipment, pagers, and related equipment and services for City departments from July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020

34. Resolution approving contract renewal to Excellence Opto, Inc., of Pomona, California, for LED Luminaries Supply Contract for Electric Distribution

35. Resolution approving contract to TEI Construction Services., Inc., of Duncan, South Carolina, for Power Plant Maintenance Services for hourly rates and unit prices bid in an amount not to exceed $100,000

36. Resolution approving partial completion of public improvements and reducing security for Quarry Estates, 3rd Addition

37. Resolution approving Plat of Survey for 1528 X Avenue (Boone County)

38. Resolution accepting completion of 2017/18 Accessibility Enhancement Program (Airport Road Sidewalk)

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker
to three minutes.

39. Staff report regarding community internet improvements:

a. Motion directing staff

40. Staff Report on Inclusion Crosswalk at 5th Street and Douglas Avenue:

a. Motion directing staff

41. Flood Mitigation - River Flooding:

a. Resolution directing City staff to move ahead with intent to acquire permanent easements for $156,000 for front property (1016 S. Duff) and $6,840 for rear property (1008 S. Duff)

42. Resolution approving Amendment No. 3 to Professional Services Agreement with Shive Hattery, Inc., of West Des Moines, Iowa, in an amount not to exceed $21,300 regarding South Grand Extension project

43. CyRide Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL)/Automatic Voice Annunciation (AVA) Passenger Information Award to GMV Syncromatics:

a. Resolution awarding contract to GMV Syncromatics of Los Angeles, California, in the amount of $941,730, contingent on Iowa DOT 5310 Contract approval for FY 2020 and subject to concurrence with award from the Iowa DOT Office of Public Transit

44. Hearing on Zoning Text Amendment (Chapter 29) regarding guest lodging in specified zoning
districts (Continued from June 11, 2019):

a. Motion to continue hearing to date uncertain and direct staff to republish notice

45. Hearing on Underground Trenching Services for Electric Services:

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding primary contract to Ames
Trenching of Ames, Iowa, in an amount not to exceed $200,000
b. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding secondary contract to Zoske
Electrical Services of Iowa Falls, Iowa, in an amount not to exceed $100,000

46. Hearing on Scaffolding & Related Services and Supply Contract for Electric Services:

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to HTH Companies
Inc., of Union Missouri, in an amount not to exceed $60,000

47. Hearing on Water Plant Radio Telemetry Upgrades

a. Resolution approving final plans and specifications and awarding contract to Jetco, Inc., of
Altoona, Iowa, in the amount of $53,200

48. Hearing on rezoning of 3315 S. Riverside Drive from Agricultural to Research Park Innovation
District (RI):

a. First passage of ordinance rezoning 3315 S. Riverside Drive from Agricultural to Research
Park Innovation District

49. Second passage of ordinance vacating right-of-way adjacent to 635 Agg Avenue

50. Ordinance repealing Rental Concentration Cap:

a. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4386 repealing Rental Concentration Cap
b. Resolution rescinding Resolution No. 18-316 establishing Rental Cap Neighborhoods

51. Third passage and adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 4387 amending Chapter 22 of the Ames
Municipal Code regarding deferral of infrastructure improvements