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NOVEMBER 22, 2016

(Click here to download entire agenda packet in PDF)


CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m.

1. Motion approving appointment of Ames Public Works Director John Joiner to Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) Board of Directors (Click here for more information)

2. Resolutions certifying projects shown in Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program Grant application conform to AAMPOs regional transportation planning process: (Click here for more information)

a. South 5th Street Construction Project
b. CyRide #2 Green Route, #6 Brown Route, and #3 Blue Route Service Expansion
c. CyRide #9 Plum Route Service Expansion



*The Regular City Council Meeting will immediately follow the meeting of the Ames Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Committee.

CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion.There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time the Council members vote on the motion.

1. Motion approving payment of claims

2. Motion approving Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 15, 2016

3. Motion approving certification of civil service applicants (Click here for more information)

4. Motion approving Report of Contract Change Orders for November 1-15, 2016 (Click here for more information)

5. Motion approving the following requests from Olde Main Brewing Company for 5-day Liquor Licenses:

a. Special Class C Liquor License (December 5 - 9) at the ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Avenue (pending dram) (Click here for more information)
b. Class C Liquor License (December 9 - 13) at Reiman Gardens, 1407 University Boulevard (pending dram) (Click here for more information)
c. Class C Liquor License (December 7 - 11) at the Hansen Ag Student Learning Center, 2516Mortensen Road (pending dram) (Click here for more information)

6. Motion approving 5-day (December 10 - 14) Class C Liquor License for Gateway Market a tReiman Gardens, 1407 University Boulevard (Click here for more information)

7. Motion approving 5-day (December 10 - 14) Class C Liquor License for Greater Caterers of Iowa at CPMI Event Center, 2321 N. Loop Drive (pending dram) (Click here for more information)

8. Motion approving 5-day (December 2 - 6) Class C Liquor License for the Gateway Hotel &Conference Center, LLC at the ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Avenue (Click here for more information)

9. Motion approving renewal of the following Beer Permits, Wine Permits, and Liquor Licenses: (Click here for more information)

a. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service- Outlaws, 2522 Chamberlain Street
b. Class B Native Wine - Chocolaterie Stam, 230 Main Street
c. Class B Liquor & Outdoor Service - Country Inn & Suites, 2605 SE 16th Street (pending dram)
d. Class C Beer & Class B Native Wine - Swift Stop #8, 705 24th Street
e. Class C Liquor & Outdoor Service - The Caf, 2616 Northridge Parkway (pending dram)

10. Resolution approving Annual Affirmative Action Report (Click here for more information)

11. Resolution approving 2018-2022 Federal Airport Improvement Program (Click here for more information)

12. Resolution approving annual 2016 Urban Renewal Report and certification of TIF Debt for Campustown and annual appropriation of Kingland TIF Rebate (Click here for more information)

13. Resolution approving Agreement with Bottlesode Authorizing Commercial Use of SmallUnmanned Aircraft System (drone) (Click here for more information)

14. Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) Grant Application for Grand Avenue Extension Improvements (Click here for more information)

a. Motion authorizing the ICAAP Application for the Grand Avenue Extension Improvements in the amount of $931,000
b. Resolution providing official certification to commit the necessary local matching funds and assuming responsibility for maintaining the facility for public use

15. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for City Hall Gym HVAC Renovations; setting December 21, 2016, as bid due date and January 10, 2017, as date of public hearing (Click here for more information)

16. Resolution approving preliminary plans and specifications for Boiler Maintenance Services for Power Plant; setting December 21, 2016, as bid due date and January 10, 2017, as date of public hearing (Click here for more information)

17. Resolution accepting completion of Power Plant Fuel Conversion - Electrical Installation General Work Contract (Click here for more information)

18. Resolution accepting completion of Cooling Tower Replacement at Power Plant (Click here for more information)

19. Resolution approving partial completion of public improvements and reducing amount of security held for Crane Farm Subdivision (Click here for more information)

PUBLIC FORUM: This is a time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on this agenda. Please understand that the Council will not take any action on your comments at this meeting due to requirements of the Open Meetings Law, but may do so at a future meeting. The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public; however, at no time is it appropriate to use profane, obscene, or slanderous language. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes.


20. Hearing on Annexation of territory east of Ames between Interstate 35 and 590th Avenue (East Industrial Area): (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving annexation

21. Hearing on 2016/17 U.S. Highway 69 Improvements Program (South Duff Avenue Traffic Signal) (Click here for more information)

a. Motion accepting report of bids


22. Staff Report on Emergency Residence Project FY 2015/16 draw-down request and definition of Ames Resident (Click here for more information)

23. Presentation from United Way of Story County regarding Clear Impact Scorecard (Human Services Outcomes) (Click here for more information)


24. Motion directing staff to prepare Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Supervised Transitional Living Homes (Click here for more information)

25. Ames Urban Fringe Plan Amendments: (Click here for more information)

a. Resolution approving Urban Service Area designation for 5508 Lincoln Highway and 5820Lincoln Highway
b. Resolution including a new policy for lands designated as Highway-Oriented Commercial

26. Staff Report on proposed Story County Text Amendment for Social Service Providers within Agricultural zoning districts (Click here for more information)

27. Update regarding Lincoln Way Corridor Plan Focus Area Workshop (Click here for more information)

28. Planning Division Work Plan discussion (Click here for more information)


29. Hyde Avenue:

a. Second passage of ordinance establishing parking regulations
b. Second passage of ordinance establishing speed limit

30. Second passage of ordinance establishing 2700, 2702, 2718, and 2728 Lincoln Way; 112 and 114South Hyland Avenue; and 115 South Sheldon Avenue Urban Revitalization Area

31. Second passage of ordinance changing boundaries by removing properties addressed as 2700,2702, and 2718 Lincoln Way



32. Motion to hold Closed Session as provided by Section 21.5(1)c, Code of Iowa, to discuss matters presently in or threatened to be in litigation


*Please note that this Agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the meeting time as provided by Section 21.4(2), Code of Iowa.